Wednesday 26 June 2024

Street Photography In 3D.

 I have often wanted two pull a two/three month project together, combining Street and 3D photography. Well this summer, I will be giving it a try on both film and digital. This image (a little out of proportion I admit), sparked the idea a little over ten years ago. And there are a number of images from that time period which I could create in 3D, but I really want this to be a totally new project.

The two film cameras I will be using are the MINUTA 120, and the 1951 British made Coronet 3-D lens camera, which takes 127 size film. For now, I'm using my iPhone 12 and the i3DSteroid app,  which is much quicker than the two traditional cameras. Let's hope this heat breaks soon, so I can get out there and get cracking.

Flicking Through The Archive (Again).

 On a hot, sticky night in the West End of Leicester, UK, there is nothing better for me than trawling the distant past, while gulping gallons of ice cold water. I stopped fishing when I found these from Sicily, made nearly a decade ago, manipulated to fit both the pinhole and 3D genres.

It also gives way to my other passion of street photography, so a win, win. Or in this case, a win, win, win. The cameras that made these images I still have, my trusty old LUMIX GF1 and GF3. I spruced them up a little in Photoshop Elements 9.  I did pull one iPhone image out which will be on the next post, but in truth, the files from this period are in dire need of some tender loving care (don't we all).

Friday 21 June 2024

World Stereoscopy Day 2024

 Just a few of the many images I made today (WORLD STEREOSCOPY DAY), using both digital and film formats. It has been the most fabulous time, creating photographic works in the safety and comfort of our own back garden. The rest of the evening will be spent reading books about the stereo genre, and have a cold bottle of ZERO alcohol beer. Much more to come in my next blog post.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Catching Up On The Edge Of Summer.

So where have I been?, well away on the West Norfolk coastline for several weeks, making images and catching up with where I want to go with my 3D work over the coming summer months. We are getting close to 'Stereo Day' which takes place on Friday, June 21. I have many lans for that, but over the coming week, I will be releasing many images Made over the last eight weeks, and details of how they were executed,

Since setting up this blog, my interest in 3D has increased, and I have some new ideas about how to make images, using my iPhone 12, a large camera which I made several years ago, and still haven't got to grips with, and a camera that's in the design stage. So I will back shortly with images from Norfolk, and how they were made.


Melting Away.

  Yesterday, we had the privilege of showing a treasured friend from Vienna around the Victoria Park area of Leicester UK. We mostly walked,...