Wednesday 16 November 2022

Coronet 3D Experiments

 In an earlier blog, I spoke about my purchase of a 1951, Coronet 3D camera which uses 127 film. That film size is still available from specialist shops, but comes at an enormous price. There is a device however which cuts a 120 size film roll down to 127, and that's what I did here with these grainy, less than perfect 3D images, made over the summer in our back garden. On the camera itself, because you are shooting a double image, one has to use 1,3,5,7,9 in the film counter. but this didn't quite work out and there was some over spill of images.

However, this is all part of the experimentation, and I enjoy seeing the results, either good, or not so good. in a future blog, I will have more to say on the camera, film, and film cutter, as I have just cut, re-spooled and loaded another film into the Coronet. I'm very excited about the possibilities of this camera, especially with colour film.

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