Monday 14 November 2022

Local Urban Stereo.

 One of the loves of my life is urban or street photography. Sometimes I combine this style with my passion for 3D image making, which result in images like this, a stranger walking through the centre of my hometown, Leicester UK. 

The camera used was a LUMIX GF1 with a Lomography four-thirds Experimental lens. This was the wide angle version. The software I use to create many of my images is Photoshop Elements on my 24 inch Apple Mac, which has been gutted and had a new 120gb SSD drive installed. The Mac itself is around twelve years old, but it does everything I need it to do.

Over the coming Winter, I intend to make many more images by combining Urban with 3D. Much of this will be on 127 film, in my 1951 Coronet 3D camera.

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